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Christopher Calicott.

Austin, Texas

Bitcoin has already won the race for the internet’s base monetary layer — it’s just not broadly recognized yet.

Personal backstory.

Meet Christopher, aka the career technologist who knows a few things about the internet, Web2, and bitcoin. Having been there from the start (i.e. before Google was a thing), it’s no surprise that his core strength lies in tech strategy and market analysis. 


A native Texan, Mr. Christopher speaks three (yes, three) languages. After an MBA in Madrid, he moved back to Texas to build TVP with an old buddy. The rest is history. Since then, he’s moved the needle on policy by sitting on the Texas Blockchain Council’s board of directors, where he championed Texas HB4474 which was signed into law by the Texas governor. Not bad.

Bitcoin backstory

Before the world knew the power of decentralization, Christopher witnessed digital currencies fail. But then, an old friend introduced him to Bitcoin. He even recalls extravagant celebrations over wine as its price hit $30 and $100 (gulp). While many scoffed at the prospect, he encouraged macroeconomics professors to take note. Something we’re very thankful for.


As he watched Bitcoin succeed past its expected life, he knew he had a unique opportunity. Thus TVP was born. Acting as a partner, he’s now participated in countless venture rounds — from Kraken to Unchained and Voltage.

What I look for in Bitcoin founders.

Unique views on a potential market development informed by prior experiences.
Dispassionate hypothesis testing orientation, rapid iteration based on market feedback and learnings.
Ability to see how the near term problem at hand opens a path to a massive possibility in the future.

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